martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

holy limones!

If i were ever to have imagined or fantasized about living in an orchard, lemons would not have been my first pick. Most likely I would have chosen a tasty fruit, like peaches or cherries, a snack that i love to eat. and would probably be thoroughly sick and tired of by now. After living through a practically perpetual season of lemons, the supply is one i cannot live without!
On a daily basis i gather lemons as I walk across the farm--usually there are 2 or 3 in my pockets. In the kitchen, a full basket regularly awaits my attention. Limonada is a constant here. When things get boring i blend it with our favorite cactus fruit, pitaya,
for a gorgeous and zingy refresco:

A drop or two of lemon juice is squeezed into EVERYTHING, from fresh salads to soups to pasta. When my sweet tooth demands indulgence, i satisfy with a sweet yet tart dessert: a ridiculously simple batch of lemon bars!

And the limones are not only indispensable in the kitchen! The kitten now endures weekly lemon baths, a supposed natural flea repellent (can't hurt), and I whipped up a homemade lemon/vinegar cleaning productmaking use of lemon's antibacterial acidity and fresh scent. With our gray water system in place, all cleaning products must be non-toxic and plant-friendly.

With so many free lemons, and with so much cheap RUM, who wouldn't experiment!?
Supposedly a higher alcoholic content allows for greater flavor absorption, which explains the deeply delicious pungency of the Italians' limoncello, made with a high proof vodka. My version, (think more latin lemon fiesta) will feature none other than Nicaragua's legendary Flor de Caña!
Drowned in the clear liquid rum, my little homegrown lemon zests have been infused for almost a month now. one more month 'til tasting.
Cheers to a crop that doesn't cry for daily attention, provides shady relief from the blazing sun, sweetens the air with its fragrant blossoms, houses a myriad of bird life, cleans my house, cleans my pets, flavors my food, and makes me smile ;)

9 comentarios:

Daricia dijo...

a mi me encanta limones! tantos usos, y huelen tan buenos tambien. gracias por su post.

Mary Delle LeBeau dijo...

I, too, love homegrown lemons. I have friends who share them with me and they are wonderful. You are lucky to live right there with them.

Mary Delle LeBeau dijo...

I really enjoyed a look at your site. Your farm in Nicaragua sounds so beautiful and interesting.

Flowers dijo...

Nice blog. enjoyed going through it. Keep it up the good work. Cheers :)

Liz dijo...

Thank you all for the kind words! If you were in my neighborhood, believe me--i'd be gifting you lemons on a daily basis!

Sue Swift dijo...

Nice blog - you look as if you live in a wonderful place. Found you through Blotanical - hope you enjoy the site.

tina dijo...

That pitaya is SO pretty. I like lemons and if I had them around here a lot I'd squeeze their juice on all my food too. Here normally just in sweet tea. Have a great day!

Rachael dijo...


I love, love, LOVE your writing style. It's so fun, descriptive, and educational! Keep up the great work! :)

Meredith dijo...

I love lemons. I love limes. I'm a citrus girl! You have found so many uses for your homegrown lemons, too -- very inspiring!