miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Custom Made Dog Castle

Castillo is spanish for castle, so in naming Stella's new home we think Castella captures the essence of our pup's lovingly constructed new abode!Her little castle sports a concrete foundation, providing a cool floor to nap upon during hot afternoons. A corrugated zinc roof deflects the blazing sun of the Dry Season, and later will protect her from the drenching rains of that's right, the Rainy Season.
Everybody, especially Stella, is grateful for the many helping hands that transformed a simple shelter into a doggy castle!
While Stella continues obedience education, we have the option of closing her in la castella when necessary,,though our guard-dog-in-training prefers to be outside, footloose and fancy free.

p.s. The "dog house" is also spacious and comfortable enough to function as a "getaway" for the guys when they get out of line.

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