lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

Stuffed Ayote Squash

My first official garden to table entree!!
After monitoring this ayote squash's growth the past 3 weeks, I deemed it harvestable at about 5pm today, picked it, and by 7pm it was featured in my Sunday night dinner! there's lots of ways to stuff a squash, i went with whatever was on hand. In addition to the squash, i proudly incorporated my homegrown tomates and oregano!
1 big squash--ayote is the most common squash around here, though any winter squash will do
1/2 cup quinoa
1/2 lb tofu
1/2 onion, diced
1 tomato, diced
3 or 4 garlic cloves, diced or pressed
oregano, basil, rosemary, or other italian spices
1/4 cup chopped cashews, opt.
shredded mozzerella cheese, opt.

First step, cut squash in half, scoop out seeds, and bake in a dish filled 1/2 with water at about 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. (until squash meat is tender).

Meanwhile, start quinoa--add 1/2 cup of dry quinoa to 1 cup of boiling water; simmer 10-12 minutes, until all water is absorbed. While quinoa cooks, in a skillet sautee onion and garlic; add tofu and spices--cook 5 more minutes.

When squash is cooked, remove from oven, scoop out soft meat, and add to skillet. (You want the squash to keep it's shape, so go easy on the scooping, leaving the shells in the baking dish.) Once quinoa is ready, add that to skillet too, along with tomatoes.

Stir the quinoa/squash filling over low heat for few minutes before spooning it into awaiting squash "bowls."

I topped mine with chopped cashews and mozzerella cheese. To veganize, simply substitute cheese for nutritional yeast, or other vegan gravy. Bake 15 more minutes.


2 comentarios:

Solis Lujan dijo...

I just came back from Costa Rica where i fell in love with ayote! I have been looking for seeds but have not been able to source them. I am in santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Solis Lujan

Solis Lujan dijo...

Oh, Solis Lujan at